Laughing Dragon Studios, a Montreal-based animation company, is making headlines for its efforts to rehire employees after a major layoff earlier this year. The studio, known for its family-friendly animated content, is showing a strong commitment to its team despite tough times in the kids’ media industry.

Employees Returning to Work

In August, the 22-year-old studio conducted its largest round of layoffs, letting go of 38 employees. Now, Laughing Dragon has welcomed back 15 of those workers, nearly half of the laid-off team. Five employees have already resumed their roles, and another 10, including eight animators and two compositors, will return next week.

CEO’s Public Commitment

The CEO of Laughing Dragon, Ryan Sohmer, made a promise during the layoffs to bring back employees as soon as the company’s financial situation improved. True to his word, he shared an update on LinkedIn, saying:
“I write this post for one reason, to hold myself publicly accountable to my staff, both former and current. 15 out of 38 is a good start, but I will not rest until offers can go out to all of them.”

Projects Driving the Rehiring

The studio’s decision to rehire is supported by its ongoing and upcoming projects. Laughing Dragon is currently working on:

1. Skatebirds – A 26-episode animated series with 11-minute episodes.
2. Kabu – A 10-episode project in collaboration with Build-A-Bear Workshop, with each episode running 11 minutes.

These projects have provided the financial boost needed to bring back some of the talented team members who were let go.

A Positive Step Amid Industry Challenges

In an industry where layoffs have become common, Laughing Dragon’s move stands out. By prioritizing its employees and honoring promises, the company is setting an example of resilience and accountability.

The studio’s actions show that even in challenging times, businesses can strive to support their teams, ensuring that creativity and talent are not lost. As Laughing Dragon continues to grow, it aims to rehire more of its former staff while delivering quality animated content to audiences worldwide.